Monday, July 09, 2012

Lemon Icebox Pie!

I've had a busy past couple of weeks that included a trip to Florida, a few days spent with my former sophomore girls' small group from my "old" church, a busy 4th of July...and typically, this is when I don't blog for a while because I get overwhelmed by all the photos and such.  So instead, I'm sharing a recipe. :-)

About a month ago, our friends Damian and Rebecca invited us for dinner and I offered to bring dessert.

(I love to make desserts, y'all.)

(And I love to eat them.)

Damian asked if I could make a lemon icebox pie.  Truth be told, I'd never made one, but I'm not one to turn down a baking request.  I remembered that my friend Tim had posted an article about icebox pies from Serious Eats on Facebook, and one of the pie recipes listed was one for lemon icebox pie. So I made it.  And it was awesome. And you should add it RIGHT NOW to your dessert rotation.  (Unless you don't like lemon icebox pie.  And then I might think you are KRAZY.)

Here is the link to the recipe, which also includes a photo.  (I have poor, poor food photography skills, and none of my creations look the least bit appetizing when I photograph them.)

ALSO...I love my lemon icebox pie with whipped cream.  And while I'm not too good to eat some Redi-Whip out of the can, I also love some homemade whipped cream (and it is so easy!).  I take a cup of heavy whipping cream, about 1-1/2 TBSP of sugar, and beat it with a whisk on the highest setting of my electric mixer until it looks like, well, whipped cream.  (Also...I think the recipe for whipped cream is somewhat known, but I got those exact measurements from The Pioneer Woman.)

I see no reason why you can't spread that whipped cream all over the top of the pie, but because I love whipped cream and Darryl does not (what is wrong with that man?), I just serve a big ole spoonful of it on the side.


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