Friday, July 20, 2012

Mom Update: Friday Morning

So it appears that some family and friends are consulting this blog for information about my mom, so I'm going to try to update it when I know something new.

When my mom went to the hospital yesterday, her kidney doctor saw her and felt she should be seen by a neurologist.  (My mom was diagnosed with kidney disease two years ago but has done very well with maintaining her kidneys' function since her diagnosis.  My mom LOVES her kidney doctor, and after I met her last week, I love her too.  She's the perfect blend of seriousness, intelligence, humor, and compassion.)

Anyway, a neurologist hasn't seen her yet, BUT they did a CAT scan on my mom yesterday and the doctor she was seeing during her hospital stay last week is working with her again, and he is consulting with an infectious disease specialist.  Based on questions they've asked my mom, it seems they are trying to rule out Lyme Disease. (My mom doesn't think she has been bitten by a tick, though, and she doesn't have any kind of rash.)

So, basically...we still don't know what is going on.  Her sodium was low, as suspected, but apparently the doctors think something else is going on.

(As of right now, I'm hanging tight in Baton Rouge, even though it is really hard not to be there.  I am trying to get things squared away here, however, just in case I need to return to Florida.  Whatever information the doctors have today will probably determine what I will do.)

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers!

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