Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trip to Florida #2: A Visit to the Grandparents' House

Three days after I returned from The Walk, I got back and the car--this time I took Amelia--and we went to Florida to visit my parents. Darryl was out of town last week, so it was "just the girls."

(It dawned on me when I was coming back home this past Saturday that I had driven though/eaten lunch in Eufaula, Alabama three Saturdays in a row!)

Anyway, Amelia and I went down to my parents' house on Saturday and just hung out for a while and ate some good food. The rest of the week was busy with one activity after another; we packed a lot of fun into one week!

Sunday we went to my parents' church, where they had a cookout afterward to welcome the new preacher and his wife. Amelia was all decked out in her patriotic attire.

That afternoon, Amelia and her Nana made a flag cake. (Truth be told, it really ended up being Nana's and my project. Amelia was too interested in tasting the frosting.)


We also attempted to take Amelia fishing off the neighbors' dock, but they weren't biting. I like this pic of Amelia with Mr. P, whom I've known ever since I can remember. He used to help me fish when I was a kid.

Monday, the 4th, we went to the beach in the morning. Here are a few pics of that.

That evening, we went to see the fireworks. Here's a photo of Amelia with her cousin Cameron.

That thing Amelia is holding is a firecracker she made in her summer daycare class. She had saved it for several days and was so excited about opening it, and then she ended up losing it. She was verrrrrrrry sad. I was sad for her. :-(

Tuesday we went to an aquatic center that had a play area/pool for kids. We had such a great time there and it wasn't too crowded. Amelia enjoyed pretending that she was the swim teacher and that we were her students, so she kept making us swim laps while she told us, "That's it, girl. You're doing it! Next time, use big arms." (Can you tell she's been in swim lessons for a while?)

We also tried fishing again that morning, and this time, Amelia was successful at getting her first fish!! She didn't want to touch it, though. I can't really blame her.

Wednesday, Amelia, my mom, and I went shopping and had a good time...but I didn't take any photos of that.

Thursday, we went back to the aquatic park because we had so much fun the first time. It was much more crowded the second time around, but we still had a great time.

Friday, we went to a local farm and picked tomatoes. This photo is TERRIBLE of me (no makeup, ball cap, and about three chins), but oh well.

That afternoon (and one afternoon earlier in the week, but I can't remember which one), Amelia and I visited Darryl's side of the family and Amelia had a good time playing with her cousins. Ashley (my sister-in-law) took some photos of that, so I hope to have a couple of photos to show soon.

Saturday, Amelia and I came back home. We had such a great week visiting with Nana and Paw-Paw!!

(Edited to Add: The reason this blog has Tuesday's date on it is that Tuesday is the date I started this post and then procrastinated with finishing it.)

1 comment:

Nana/Mom said...

It was one of the best weeks of my whole life! I'm ready for a repeat.