Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last Week and This Week (So Far)

Last Week
I didn't post anything after Monday of last week (obviously) because I was so immersed in the Week in the Life project that, frankly, I was tired of documenting each day. After photographing tons of stuff and writing down stuff about every day last week, I just didn't want to write about it again...know what I mean?

Last week was a fun one, though. It included a playdate with some former colleagues/mom-friends at the pool. It also included a lunch date with Tim and Kim at a delicious restaurant. It included some scrapbooking with my friend Blayne. It included the Winnie the Pooh movie (so cute!). It included dinner at a Mexican restaurant with my 9th grade small group. Basically, it was lots of fun.

It also included not-so-fun stuff, like searching for jobs, doing laundry, cleaning, and such.

This Week
This week hasn't been quite as eventful. I went to a job networking thing Monday evening. (Confession: I am CLUELESS and AWKWARD when it comes to networking. Small talk with strangers? Painful.) I've also been trying to figure out Photoshop Elements for my Week in the Life album. May I present to you...a photo collage!

Fancy, is it not?

I also learned how to put "brushes" on photos, like this one:

The "brush" would be "Tuesday." You don't even want to know how long it took me to figure out how to put that on there.

I'm also trying a new diet called The Carb Lovers' Diet. I'm not loving the diet. The first week -- the "kickstart" week -- is a beast. In fact, I haven't stuck to it completely because I was HUNGRY. So I'm doing my own version of this diet, which is some healthy carb eating along with some common sense, like eating a nectarine instead of a pint of ice cream for a snack. I have also -- and this is huge -- cut out diet sodas. I have also greatly reduced the amount of Splenda I drink in my coffee. And I'm drinking a boatload of green tea and water. Fun times!!

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