Yesterday might have been one of those times.
After much thought, careful consideration, and discussion with my other mom friends, I decided to take Amelia to the zoo. I was tired of hanging around the house and thought that Amelia was old enough to "get it."
And I think she did. She loved pointing to all the animals and naming them. Her favorite exhibit was the flamingos. She also loved the giraffes and the monkeys, but the flamingos were definitely the big hit.
The trip went south in a hurry, though, as we left the zoo. I'm not sure how I managed to do this, but somehow I did not walk in the correct direction through Grant Park to get to my car. It's hard to tell because it all looks the same. (This is something I did NOT know at time, however.) I was hot and tired, and Amelia was hot and tired, and we walked and walked in what I thought was the right direction. Then I noticed a street sign and realized we were not even on the right street. I seriously wanted to cry I was so tired.
Because Amelia was tired, too, I tried to carry her as much as I could. And periodically we'd have conversations like these:
ME: Amelia, can you walk for a little bit?
ME: Please.
ME: Amelia, please, because you love your Mommy and she feels like she is about to pass out, could you please please please for the love of God walk for a little bit?
Seriously, we probably walked two miles. I know that isn't the longest distance in the world, but when you are hot, thirsty, tired, and have already walked a lot at the zoo, it feels like a marathon.
And then, THEN...on the way home I realized I no longer had a cell phone.
That's right. I lost my phone. I'll fast forward to the end of that story...someone gave it to a cop. I already have new phone and goodness knows if I'll ever see my old one again, but at least the phone (complete with my email and text messages) isn't in the hands of a lunatic. At least I hope not.
As I was driving home, I was wondering if going to the zoo had been a wise decision, if it had been worth all the trouble in the end. And then I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Amelia marching her little panda bear figurine up and down her arm, and I decided it definitely was. I just may never go again without Darryl. :-)
Here are a few pics:
I know I should have cropped out this kid on the left, but I'm feeling lazy.
On the choo-choo train--Amelia was getting tired at this point, but she was very excited and wide-eyed the whole time. Girlfriend loves a train.
Amelia picked out the elephant herself. :-)
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