Friday, February 12, 2010


With the exception of a short excursion to Chick-fil-a, Amelia and I stayed home today. We decided to bake and decorate some Valentine cookies. Festive, yes?

I'll confess that these cookies were not only store-bought dough, but they were also already rolled out and cut into little hearts. Now typically I'm all about making the cookies from scratch, but I figured Amelia would really have more fun decorating them, so that was really my main priority.

Here she is with the cookies, before they went to the oven. (She wanted some of that dough SO badly, but I'm still Paranoid Mom who thinks her daughter will get salmonella. Of course, I ate some, but whatever.)

She really enjoyed shaking the sprinkles on.

And she enjoyed tasting her creations. (I think Elmo was hoping for a cookie.)
On a different note, we got several inches of snow today--definitely the most we've gotten since we moved here seven years ago. I'll definitely have to get some pictures tomorrow. It was still falling after dark and I didn't want to mess up my camera. :)


Aunt Winifred said...

Amelia is just too cute!!! I don't comment often, but I check everytime I go online to see what ya'll have been up to. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

Jenny said...

She is getting so cute.