Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Break--Monday and Tuesday

Man, have I enjoyed having a break this week. I've enjoyed sleeping in, catching up on some TiVo, taking care of odds and ends...it's been nice. I think it has made me long for summer vacation even more!

I do, however, need to grade some papers. Very badly. I'm telling you this because I vow right here and now that I will grade papers tomorrow.

Other tidbits:

--I finally watched the movie Supersize Me. Yep, I'm a little late on that one, but I found it quite interesting. While I was fascinated with Spurlock's ability to eat McDonald's for 30 days (gross!), what I found even more intriguing was some of the other "side stories" and information...like the story about the alternative school somewhere (sorry--can't remember where) that switched to a healthy menu in the cafeteria, and administrators and teachers noticed a marked change for the better in the behavior of the kids. I can't help thinking that maybe there is a bit of a connection between my students' lethargic behavior 6th period and the "chicken rings," mashed potatoes, and cookies they have eaten right before class. Anyway...

--Apolo is still my favorite on Dancing with the Stars.

--Um, yeah, that's about it.

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