Monday, January 29, 2007

The Weekend--Friends and Chick Flick

Because of Darryl's work demands this weekend, I was able to spend some time having "girl time" and "me time."

Friday, I met up with my friend Lisa, whose wedding I wrote about back in November, at our favorite Mexican restaurant...or at least the favorite one that we often ordered from when I worked at the law firm. I haven't been able to see Lisa since the wedding, so we had lots of catching up to do. We stayed at Monterrey's for over 2 hours, and then we had to continue our conversation at a Starbucks when our waiter kept giving us looks that expressed his desire for us to leave his booth so he could make some more tip money. Anyway, it was great seeing her. Lisa is hilarious (and a wonderful storyteller), so she had me in stitches most of the time.

Saturday, I did a little shopping but didn't really buy anything worth posting about...unless you are interested in the two pairs of fuzzy "cozy socks" that I bought on sale at Belk's.

I went to see the movie Catch and Release Sunday. Definitely a rental. (But I still find Jennifer Garner endearing.) I'm sorry, but what has happened to all the good, smart romantic comedies? When I think about my faves, I think of Bridget Jones's Diary, Love Actually, and About a Boy, which leads me to think that my criteria for a good, smart romantic comedy are 1) The movie is "British," and 2) The movie stars Hugh Grant. I'm supposed to see Because I Said So with Diane Keaton, Lauren Graham, and Mandy Moore this weekend with my friend Casi. Ladies, don't let me down! Make me laugh!


Anonymous said...

If your fuzzy socks are yellow and red..two prs...not yellow, red qualify for a sleepover w/Miss Mac. I now have to wash one or the other every night!

Amy said...

What if I mine are lavender with white polka-dots and pink with yellow stripes? (They were on sale, after all.)