Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tidbits from the week

I haven't posted in a week or so because frankly, not much was going on. Here are just a few thoughts...

--The diet is going so-so. I'm doing somewhat okay with the eating rules (3 meals, 2 snacks, no eating two hours before bedtime), but I'm not doing so great with the exercise. It has been too cold out to walk (I'm sure I could "layer up" and brave the chilly wind, but I don't wanna), so that requires driving to the gym, and that sucks up some time with all the school stuff I need to work on. I must get better about this!

--My students drove me absolutely nuts today. I gave a test that they knew about well in advance, and we did EXTENSIVE review yesterday. When I tell you (you, being the student) that you need to know who wrote what, don't act shocked when you have questions about that info on the test. Seriously (see footnote), they were being ridiculous. And from what I've graded so far, well, the situation is abysmal.

--I was observed last week for my yearly evaluation, but I haven't received the report yet. Fortunately, the administrator came to my honors class. Unfortunately, the students were a bit "off" and somewhat lethargic that day. It could have been worse, though. (The next day I had one of my best classes ever with them. Go figure.) Am I the only teacher who HATES being observed? I hate it. I don't know why...

--That's about it, except for my "seriously" footnote...

**For the record, I would like to say that I used the expression "seriously" quite a bit BEFORE I started watching Grey's Anatomy. (If you watch the show, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, you have no clue what I'm talking about.) I just felt that I should establish that fact. I'm not one of those people who pick up phrases from TV shows and use them just to be "cool" (not consciously, anyway). Seriously.


Anonymous said...

We'll talk about my observation in person...it was wild...not my kids, thank God. Everyone wants to be an actor.

Feel like I haven't seen you in a year...wanna blow off the gym and have SNACKS?

Amy said...

I know--I never see you. We need to get together soon. I'm up for snacks any day.

Jenny said...

Observations suck. Who wants to be judged? I grin and bear them though. I always wish I could observe some other teachers I work with...and then fire them. :)

Anonymous said...

I am craving Marble Slab ice cream.
And I am up for a Tuesday or Wed. of next week.

Jen...I feel your pain...there is someone who "teaches" near me who comes in when he pleases. It is like the tree that falls in the forest? Would someone still sit there and observe his classroom if he were not finished with brunch yet?

Amy said...

Oh, I'm definitely up for Marble Slab. Count me in!