Sunday, January 14, 2007

Is anyone else fascinated by this news story?

I can't stop thinking about the story of the two missing boys who were returned to their families. I don't have much to say about it other than the fact that I'm sure the elation these parents feel is indescribable. I'm also finding myself thinking about the boy who was missing for over four years--who knows what all he has been through in that time. I'm sure the psychological ramifications of all this are huge for him. But still...this is a happy ending to long nightmare, for sure.

Additional bonus: I'm glad that this story has put Rosie and Donald on the backburner, at least for a few days.


Jenny said...

Chris and I keep thinking about that kid--Cary Steiner who was totally messed up by a similiar kidnapping, and of course, HIS brother ended up killing those three females in Yosemite. I have fears for this new kid. I can't imagine what hell he and his family have been through.

Amy said...

I know. And I know that real life isn't "Hollywood," but I also keep thinking of the movie MYSTIC RIVER, where one boy's ordeal--which lasted hours as opposed to years, if I remember correctly--affected him and his circle of friends forever.

How do you go back to a life you left behind four years ago, especially at such a pivotal age? Do you feel immediately comfortable in your home, or does your family now feel like strangers? How do your friends treat you? How do you even begin to make up the missed years of school? Are you plagued by nightmares every night? Are you angry that no one found you sooner? Yeah, welcome to my train of thought.

Jenny said...

It was Steven Steiner. His brother Cary killed the Yosemite people. Anyway. Yeah, I've been watching every newscast on this story...crazy stuff. I just don't get Stockholm Syndrome. I just don't understand that...