Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Are All Around

Last Thursday, Amelia and I went to Florida to visit family. My parents (especially my mother) had the Valentine spirit going full force -- they had put a "Valentine mailbox" on the kitchen counter, and it would have a surprise in it multiple times throughout the day. Here's Amelia checking the mailbox:

I had to make sure Amelia understood that this magic mailbox didn't work at home. :-)

Here's Amelia and Nana:

We (meaning Nana and Amelia) also made some Valentine's cookies.

Amelia also worked on Valentine's cards for her classmates:

It was a fun few days. (We also were able to see Aunt Ashley and the cousins, but I'm going to post on that later this week.)

Yesterday was a good Valentine's Day. Amelia went to daycare and exchanged Valentines with her classmates. I ran a few errands, and Darryl brought me these roses when he got home.

We had a yummy dinner of salad, steak, baked potatoes, and dessert (which I purchased from Whole Foods), and afterward we played Wii Bowling with Amelia.

It was a wonderful day!

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