And because she has to be fever-free for 24 hours, I stayed home with her today. I do love Amelia's daycare and realize their rules about this stuff are the same as every other daycare's rules, but she really is fine.
(Edited to add: This post has taken me three days to write, if that is any indication of the craziness of my life this week. I went to school yesterday--Wednesday--only to leave after 6th period because Amelia had another fever. And now we're home again today.)
So I have a little blogging time. I'm going to post about random things that have been going on.
TV. I haven't blogged about TV in forever. I don't watch nearly the amount I used to (is that a good thing?), and really when I say I "watch" TV, it means I have it on while I do other things like laundry or lunches, or I have a back-up of DVR'd shows that I have to make an effort to watch in one sitting. (I stayed up until 1 in the morning watching 1 episode of Friday Night Lights and 3 episodes of Glee. Priorities, people!)
First, if you are not watching the new show Modern Family, shame on you. That show is hilarious!! The ensemble cast is incredible, and the writing is smart and funny. It has restored my faith in sitcoms.
Second, my latest obsession is Glee. When I first started watching, I didn't fall in love with this critics' darling right away. I couldn't figure out what it wanted to be...a farce? a parody? a soap opera? a comedy? And then I decided just to sit back and enjoy the ride. (And maybe the show got better as it went on?) I also downloaded the soundtrack, and now I've decided that Matthew Morrison, "Mr. Schuh," is my new celebrity boyfriend.
Third, Grey's Anatomy is AWFUL this season. I keep tuning in because I am hopeful it will get better, but really, it's bad. I'm annoyed.
Fourth, Lost is returning. This show exhausts me on so many levels. I'm loyal to it, but I am kind of glad it is ending after this season. It makes my head hurt.
Amelia. Every day she is doing new things and picking up new words and expressions. Indulge me while I share a few...
--She likes to drive her Disney princess figurines in the back of her farmer's pickup truck, like so:
--The other day when Darryl picked up my cell phone to make a call on it, she said, "No, Daddy. That's Momma's phone."
--She loves to read her books and say her numbers.
--She is doing lots of "pretend," and that is fun to watch. It's interesting to see what's going on inside that noggin of hers.
Wii Fit Active. My latest fitness attempt has been the Wii Fit Active. I've been pretty faithful with my 30-Day Challenge. I like it because every day is something different, and there have been days that I have been sore because of the workout. It's a good solution because I don't have time to fit in a visit to the gym, but DVDs bore me because they are the same thing every day. It's a good solution.
Wrap-up. I know this post was random, but that's the way I roll these what I can when I can. :)