Last night (the 3rd), we took Amelia to see some fireworks. I'm not going to lie. I like some fireworks. (I'd like to clarify, though, that I'm not a big fan of backyard fireworks, which is apparently what our neighbors are enjoying as I type. Sheesh.)
Anyway, the weather last night was PERFECT. A couple of times, it felt downright chilly. Why can't the weather be like this every evening in the summer? Here's Amelia hanging out before the big show:
I also want to show you this picture:
Today, we went to a parade. Darryl will never let me live it down because it was my idea to go, and it was pretty awful. It was long and drawn out, and it was pretty much an opportunity for politicians to shake hands and for businesses to advertise. Let me give you a sampling of today's festive parade:
And then there was this festive float. I think it speaks for itself.
But here's my girl, being a pretty good sport despite the dismal showing of floats and entertainment in the parade. A small football landed in her stroller, so that provided her some entertainment. (Please forgive me for the patriotic dress. Part of the fun in having a girl is dressing her up from time to time. And she rocked this dress, y'all.)
Well, as I typed this post, I just listened to Neil Diamond sing "America," so I guess my 4th is now complete. (I also think I freaked Darryl out a bit when it got to the "Today!" part and I joined in...because how can anyone stay silent when Neil gets to that part of the song???)
Amelia is just precious! And I love to picture with the Oreo -- so smart.
What concerns me about this post, Amy, is not so much that you went to a Confederate parade, but that you actually a) listened to and then b) sang along with Neil Diamond.
Very, very troubling!
Tim, you really do hate America, don't you? (Just kidding everyone...Tim really doesn't hate America. It's a running joke.)
It all goes back to when I was in fifth grade, and my mother was slightly obsessed with Neil Diamond's The Jazz Singer, and I can distinctly remember transferring her album to cassette tape and listening to it over and over on my walkman in the back seat of the car (probably on a trip to the Little White House in Warm Springs.)
I was probably the only fifth grader who knew the words to "Love on the Rocks."
Amy, my mother also had Neil Diamond records. I knew "Love on the Rocks" but I preferred "You Don't Bring Me Flowers". I just thought it was heartbreaking.
LOVE the Confed. pics and Amelia's dress. Wish I had one.
"Pour me a drink...and I'll tell you some lies...yesterday's gone...."
"You don't bring me don't sing me love songs..."
"You never talk to me anymore, when I come home at the end of the day...I remember couldn't wait to love me...used to hate to leave me..."
"Now after loving me late at just roll over and turn out the light...You don't bring me flowers anymore."
A) That's kind of racy for Neil and Babs, don't you think?
B) Stay tuned, everyone...Jen and I will be announcing the dates of our Southeastern Tour very soon.
I want a front row seat!
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