Friday, March 16, 2007

The Last Few Weeks

I laughed when I saw Jen C's comment--"Where are you????"--on my last post. True, I haven't updated in a while. Well, here it goes...

The biggest event that occurred over the last few weeks was the death of my grandmother, whom I called "Mema." While she had been suffering from dementia for some time, she seemed in pretty good physical shape for a woman in her early 80s. But she fell at the assisted care facility she was staying in and cracked a vertebrae in her neck. (I'm not sure if I phrased that correctly, but maybe you get the idea.) Anyway, because of the delicate condition of her neck and the swelling, and given her age and increasing weakness, one bad thing led to another until she was gone just a little over a week after her fall.

In recent years, I hadn't seen my grandmother as much as I should have, but I do have many memories of her, and I've never known life without her existence. I'm sad she is gone, but at the same time, I know that she would have hated the life she would have had if she had lived--she was very much a work-in-the-yard-and-stay-busy person, and those days were over pretty much. Still, she is missed.

Darryl and I went to Florida for the funeral, and I was able to see family that I sadly I don't get to see as often as I would like. The service was a nice tribute to her life, and I think Mema would have approved.

Let's see...what else? Going from extremely somber to extremely silly, I should mention that Darryl and I went to see the musical Spamalot a couple of weeks ago. It was quite funny, and we both really enjoyed it. students are driving me nuts right now. It is obviously time for Spring Break. Unfortunately, we still have two more weeks to go until then. Pray that I (and my students) survive.

That's about it. I haven't even watched much TV lately because I've been too busy or too tired. Oh, and did I mention I have about a bazillion papers to grade? I think I'll be doing some of that this weekend.

I promise to update more frequently now. Oh, at my grandmother's funeral, I had several family member tell me that they enjoy keeping up with me through my blog. I kind of feel the pressure now to post something more exciting...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sorry about your grandmother. :(

Good to hear from you again!