Tuesday, February 06, 2007

R.I.P. Everwood

I'm an Everwood addict. There. I said it. Once I discovered the show was in syndication on ABC Family (the same way I began watching Gilmore Girls), I latched on and became a huge fan.

Now, that being said, I have to say that tears welled up in my eyes, oh, like six times as I watched the series finale. The tears were there not just because of touching scenes (the ones between Treat Williams and his Gregory Smith, his TV son, were always the best through the entire series), but also because I was sad that the Everwood experience is over.

As much as I hate that it is the end of Everwood, I must admit that it was probably time for it to end. Everwood pretty much got the shaft when WB became CW, but it left with audiences wanting more; it ended while it was still GOOD, and isn't that the way all shows should end? Unfortunately, Gilmore Girls is becoming a train wreck, with too many jumped sharks (Luke's daughter, hello?). It is begging to be put out of its misery. I think when it ends, I will breathe a sigh of relief and watch my DVDs of Seasons 1-5...when the show was smart and funny.

But Everwood remained true to itself, and I'm glad I devoted those five hours a week to watch it. According to my fake TiVo, ABC Family isn't planning to air it again right away (replacing it with 7th Heaven, a show that will never die), but I'm hoping that it will air Everwood again in the future. When it does, you must watch it. You'll love it.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I've never seen this but I bet I'd like it. I'll have to watch the seasons on Netflix or something...