Saturday, February 10, 2007

King Cake!!!

Darryl won lots of good husband points by having our friends Damian and Rebecca ship my two favorite King Cakes to me from my favorite bakery in Baton Rouge. The one pictured below has a blueberry and cream cheese filling, and the other one is a Zulu cake, which is filled with cream and covered in chocolate and coconut. Yum!

I really do miss Baton Rouge this time of year. Darryl and I did the Mardi Gras thing in New Orleans only once (and we behaved ourselves and maintained our dignity--can't say the same for the majority of people there, though), but this time of year is extremely festive in Louisiana, with everything decorated in purple, green, and gold. Through the latter part of January and most of February, most of our cookouts and dinners with friends ended with King Cake as the dessert, and on Saturday mornings, I'd get in the car, go to Ambrosia Bakery, and buy a piping hot King Cake to have for breakfast.

Now, if the only King Cake you've had is from a grocery store deli outside the state of Louisiana, then you really haven't had King Cake. These grocery store King Cakes are usually taste like stale, dry bread. The REAL King Cakes are soft, doughy, sweet, gooey delicious goodness.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I don't think I've ever had a King Cake. Someone needs to send me one. :) A real one. :)

Hey, I don't have your email address to send "the story". Let me know what it is...