Friday, July 17, 2015

"Having a dog is hard work."

That was what Amelia said last night right before she went to bed.

Amen, sister.

Here's a little update on life with Billy...

First, I am excited (although I know from parenting a human child not to get TOO excited) that Billy slept until 6 a.m. this morning, which was a nice change from his typical 4:00 wake-up call.

(Those extra two hours of sleep made me ridiculously productive already, as I took advantage of some Nordstrom and Children's Place sales and purchased some needed school clothes for both me and Amelia before 7 a.m. Boom.)

(And now I'm writing a blog post. I'm every woman!!)

Back to Billy...

Let's just say that Billy has gotten quite comfortable in his new home, and his more demure personality of week one with us is a thing of the past. He pretty much runs on two speeds: wide open and fast asleep.

He now sleeps comfortably in his crate at night with little to no whining. (Apparently our egregious mistake of letting him sleep with us the first night did not set him on the wayward path for life, contrary to what the Internet had to say on that topic.)

Housebreaking him has had its ups and downs. Two days ago, I'm pretty sure I cleaned up four accidents in the house; yesterday, he had only one.  When we take him outside to go to the bathroom, he likes to do this:

Obviously, he cares nothing about the fact it is 90 degrees outside. What's the rush?

But he is cute. And sweet. And snuggly.

He is also a bit spoiled. Yesterday, my friend Blayne came over for breakfast and to see Billy, and Billy kept following me around, whining. You know what he wanted? He wanted me to pick him up and put him on the couch so he could take a nap.

He pretty much has us wrapped around his tiny paw. :-)

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