Monday, January 07, 2013

What's up, 2013?

I realize we are almost a week into the new year, but with all the Christmas catch-up posts and such, I haven't publicly acknowledged it.

So...Happy New Year (a week late)!

I typically make a few resolutions, but I didn't this year. I think I have accepted that I never really keep them anyway, so what is the point?

Plus, last week my parents had Amelia with them, so Darryl and I pretty much feasted on fattening food and restaurants all week, so while most people were cutting their carbs and going to the gym twice a day, we were eating steak, risotto, chicken parmesan, Mexican food (not at the same time). This week is a "getting back on the wagon week" for us. I'll just say the scale was NOT kind this morning.


ANYWAY, I feel like I have been on Christmas Break forever, and I'm not complaining...but it is hard to get back into the routine. Amelia went back to school today (technically, her school started this past Friday to make up for the "hurricane days" last fall, but she was still with my parents), and I go back next week. And guess what? I have done very little to get ready.

Again, yikes.

If you have made it this far into my blog post and are still awake, kudos. You might also be wondering what the point of this post is. Really, I don't have one. I think I'm just delaying the many things I have to do.

Better get to that to-do list...

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