Thursday, January 03, 2013

Christmas: Rounds 1, 2, and 3

Round 1: Christmas Day

We spent Christmas Day here. It was a really low-key day, partly because that is how we wanted it, and partly because the weather was too terrible to do anything else (rain, wind, tornado warnings).

At about 6:45 that morning, Darryl and I were so excited that we woke Amelia up to see if Santa had visited, and indeed he had! Amelia had asked Santa for a tent, Princess and the Pop Star Barbies, and some superhero ("super-here-e-o") toys, and she was excited to see that he had delivered!

Amelia was so fun this Christmas season. Christmas night, I let her stay up past her bedtime so we could watch The Polar Express (again!) together...mainly because I just didn't want the season to end. Everything this year was more exciting, shinier, brighter -- MAGICAL. We loved every minute.

At least there was a little more fun to look forward to...

Christmas: Round Two

Two days after Christmas, we went to Florida to visit our families. On Thursday, we did Christmas with my parents. We had a great time devouring ham and all the fixings, and of course, Amelia was pumped to open presents.

My mom had given my dad an iPad for Christmas. Let me tell you something about my dad: he HATES technology. (This might lead you to ask why the iPad would my mom's choice for a gift for my dad...well, she -- and the rest of us -- are determined to bring him up to speed, at least a little.) He now has an email address and has discovered Netflix, so he might admit to liking technology at least a little bit.

Christmas: Round Three

The next day (Friday, for anyone who is trying to keep track), we did Christmas with Darryl's side of the family. We spent some time hanging out outside around the firepit at Darryl's sister's house, and then we had dinner across the street at Darryl's brother's house.

Darryl's sister, Ashley:

Amelia and Avery making a hot chocolate toast. (They did this on their own...cracked. me. up.)

Our niece Savannah--she is growing up so fast!

Ashley, Amelia, and Avery

The fam just chatting around the table

Our nephew Cameron (also growing up so fast) and Avery

This photo makes me laugh. The girls were anxious so open presents, so Darryl set a timer on his phone and Amelia and Madison watched the minutes tick by. Oh, the anticipation!!

All the cousins
It was a fun, lively evening!

Other Notes:
1. I assure you that Darryl was very much a part of all our Christmas festivities. However, when I point the camera his direction, he does things like this:

For all we know, that is Dr. Evil behind that iPad.

2. Another fun part of Christmas in Florida was that on Saturday, my mom and I ventured out to see the movie Les Miserables. Y'all. Loved it. It is not a flawless movie (ahem, Russell Crowe), but overall it is a wonderful movie. I want to see it again at the theater.

Also, if Hugh Jackman proposed, I would say yes. That is all.

I really have more to say about it...that might be another blog post. Or not. Who knows.

3. And that wraps up the season for us. Amelia has spent the week with her grandparents, so Darryl and I have enjoyed a week of being lazy, having nice dinners out, and watching movies and football...but we miss our girl and look forward to her coming home Friday!

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