Wednesday, June 02, 2010


We've been living in limbo for the past few weeks with our house situation, and it stinks. Do we continue to pack? Do we stop packing? Do we remain optimistic? Do we prepare ourselves for the fact that we might not be moving after all?

First we had the appraisal issue. We braced ourselves for the fact that we very likely were not moving. Then, miracle of all miracles, a second appraisal was done that was in line with what we were asking for the house. Hooray! Jubilation! We were going to be moving into our house after all!

Now we have another issue regarding the flood zone, so we're trying to get that worked out. We're somewhat optimistic it will be worked out, but at the same time, we're trying to brace ourselves for the worst.

It's getting old, this living in limbo thing. I don't like feeling unsettled, and I feel very unsettled. Our house is in disarray because we're kind of halfway packed. I sometimes catch myself thinking about things I want to do with the "new" house, but then I have to remind myself that there might not be a new house.

Very frustrating, to say the least.

Cross your fingers for us!


Jenny said...

How did you get a second appraisal? They wouldn't do one for us. :( Our first one killed us.

Amy said...

The first appraisal was a VA appraisal. The buyer, realizing we could not sell our house for that ridiculously low amount, then applied for a different kind of loan, which then required another appraisal.

We're still "in limbo," though. It stinks.