Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fairy Princesses

Saturday, we went to Amelia's friend Tanner's house for Tanner's fairy princess birthday party. Amelia talks about Tanner A LOT, and she was very excited about this party.

First, look at this cake table. Tanner's mom (a fellow English teacher and friend) is an insanely talented baker/cake decorator. Don't you just want to pull up to this counter with a fork and dive in?

I wish I had gotten a better pic so you could see all the details, but I didn't want to be obnoxious and hold up the good eatin' so I could get food photos.

Amelia was obsessed with Tanner's play microwave oven, so much so that she had to take it to the table with her while she had cake and cheese puffs.
I took this cute pic of Tanner and Amelia playing with this baby stroller. How sweet.
But then, of course, in typical todder fashion...things got a little hairy when they BOTH wanted to push the stroller.
It ended well. They're still friends. :-)

It was a really cute party...and Amelia even received fairy wings that she put on as soon as we got home.

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