Because I taught 10th grade honors the year before, and AP Lang is an 11th grade class at our school, I taught these students for two years in a row.
I told Darryl that if I had a class like this every period of the day, I would practically skip into work whistling a happy tune. While it is easy to get frustrated by the students who don't care and are impossible to motivate, classes like this one instill my hope that the future of our country is very bright indeed.
I'm pretty confident that in the picture below, you see a glimpse of future doctors, teachers, lawyers, humanitarians, journalists, engineers, and actors. And even better? They are decent, good-hearted people. And they are HILARIOUS! (Look, sometimes some funny students can make a bad day instantly better.)
The past few weeks of school were a bit bittersweet for me because I will truly miss seeing this class every day next year. They are moving on to Tim's AP Lit class, and I know he will enjoy teaching them every bit as much as they will enjoy having him as their teacher.
Thanks for your comment on my recent post! I remember finding you years ago via Jen via Max, I think. (I used to work with Jen and student taught at Auburn when Max was there.) Anyway. I just popped over and read this post. I also teach 10th grade Honors and this was my second year also teaching AP Lang--small world. I'd love to share ideas sometime!
I think you are right...maybe we even exchanged some 10th honors ideas once?
I would love to share some ideas. Is your AP Lang class also combined with American Lit? Mine is. I'm curious to see their test scores...
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