Monday, August 03, 2009

Farewell, Summer. It was nice knowing you.

So today was my official last day of summer vacation. It was a good day, complete with lunch with Darryl and a fun time with Amelia at the indoor inflatable playground. She had a blast, and so did I.

I'm sad to say goodbye to summer because truly, this summer was great. I was able to visit some friends, take Amelia on various adventures--to the beach, to playdates, to inflatable playgrounds, to birthday parties--and I was even able to have some "me" time to scrapbook or chill out. I saw Jersey Boys with my mom, had a couple of date nights with Darryl, and read some good books.

I really have enjoyed Amelia this summer. Last summer was nice, but now she is able to do more things, and that's been fun. Sure, there were some hairy days in there where we both thought we would lose our minds, but I really am going to miss seeing her as much as I have the past couple of months. She is growing up way too fast, but I'm enjoying her personality so much.

So goodbye, Summer 2009. It was fun!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Have a great teachin' year!