Sunday, September 17, 2006

Food and Football

This weekend was filled with a lot of both. Unfortunately, this was not a good football weekend for us--LSU's loss to Auburn followed by FSU's loss to Clemson. (I cared more about the first one, Darryl more about the second one.)

We did have some good food to console us, though. I made Chicken Parmesan from a recipe that had five stars from, and it was really good. Then I made apple crisp from a random recipe I had stuck in my recipe file. It was delicious also. I've really been trying to eat better and exercise more (I went to the gym three times last week and went jogging on Saturday--go me), but I kind of let it all go this weekend.

Oh, well.


Jenny said...

Wait a minute! You aren't an Auburn fan?

We need to reevaluate this internet relationship. :)

HAHA. ;)

Anonymous said...

You inspire me to try new dishes. (Mac can name all our usual meals in 10 seconds flat. How sad is that?) Now if you will come push me out of the house to exercise...