Sunday, May 28, 2006

What do IKEA, The Great Wall of Chocolate, and the Ocoee River have in common?

They are three things we conquered (or attempted to conquer) this weekend.

Two of our good friends, Haywood and Robin, stopped by for a couple of days on their way back from their 7-year anniversary getaway in North Georgia. When they arrived Saturday, one of the first items of business was to go to IKEA. I haven't been to IKEA since its opening week last year, and just like last time, I found it overwhelming but fascinating. I plan to go back on one of my days of leisure this summer and spend hours there just browsing.

We had dinner at PF Chang's, and Robin and I knew from the beginning that we would be taking on The Great Wall of Chocolate, which was delicious. Although this picture of me is terrible, I'm posting it anyway because it will be a great motivator for me to lose ten pounds this summer.

Sunday, we woke up e-a-r-l-y and traveled to the Ocoee River for some whitewater rafting. The ride there was an adventure in itself; I've never experienced such winding roads. Anyway, the Ocoee was fun. Darryl and I have really gotten into this rafting thing over the past few years, and we think it is always more fun when friends come along . . . today we had a blast. We were absolutely famished and stopped at the Smith House in Dahlonega on the way home for fried chicken, fried okra, mashed potatoes, pot roast, turnip greens, cornbread . . . you get the picture. While I always love food (as evidenced by the above picture with TGWOC), I think there is nothing better than a huge meal after a day on the water.

Anyway, here's a pic of the four of us at the rafting place. Good times!


RealTimShady said...

What a weekend! IKEA = awesome...whitewater rafting = exciting...Smith House = delicious.

Amy said...

Unfortunately, that's probably as exciting as it's going to get this summer . . . except for the Miss GA prelims, of course!

Jess said...

Love the blog!! (glad you finally got it started) I'm excited to read about your misadventures this summer- and I hope there will be a post about coming to visit me! And what's with the hair? Where did the straight come from??? (wink)