Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last Days

Darryl and I had a peaceful Memorial Day. After Haywood and Robin left, we went to Barnes & Noble, Discover Mills Mall, and a driving range to hit a few golf balls. It was a good end to a fun weekend.

Not too much is going on this week; teachers have post-planning through Friday. Because the seniors finished last Tuesday, I've unofficially been in post-planning for a week already. Today I took on the task of taking inventory of books. It's as exciting as it sounds. I won't post the numbers here, but if you want a count of how many copies of The Scarlet Letter we have, just let me know. :)


RealTimShady said...

You think you've got lots of copies of The Scarlet Letter? You should step over to my room: I have 100's (literally) and a sore back to prove it!

By the way, how are those golf lessons going? My summer goal: to swing the tennis racket around a bit. That is, as soon as I can swing...or stand.

Amy said...

I think we have enough copies of SL to distribute to Oprah's audience for her next Book Club announcement. Maybe we should email her and suggest SL as her next choice.

My lessons have been on a 3-week hiatus while I practice what I've learned. The other day at the driving range, I wasn't looking too good. I don't think I'm quitting my job to join the LPGA tour any time soon.

RealTimShady said...

My guess would be that the folks who are supposed to be teaching The Scarlet Letter probably find it "too difficult."

My experience has been that kids really get into the book -- illicit sex (albeit months before the novel begins), a hellion of a child (Pearl = my favorite 18th century character), and a wacked-out minister who whips himself with a "bloody scourge."

What's not to love?

Amy said...

While we do take on THE SCARLET LETTER, we have yet to find the time in our semester to do THE GREAT GATSBY. This saddens me. I just know the boys would love the description of Myrtle's flapping breast after Daisy hits her with the car. Oh, and it has other great stuff, too--East vs. West, American Dream, yadda yadda yadda.

Jen C, has Tim told you about the one class that kept track of how many times Hawthorne uses the word "bosom" in SL?

Amy said...

Haha--for the past two years, I've taught seniors with one junior class. I'm not sure what happens in the mysterious world of "scheduling," but both times it was a small class consisting almost entirely of Tech Prep students. (Nothing against Tech Prep students at all here, but discovering the treasures of American Literature wasn't at the top of their agenda.) My class this past year was made of nine boys and one girl, and let me tell you, they almost deserve their own blog. Every day was an adventure!