Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'M BACK!!! (I think...)


I've been asked by one of my three or four readers if I have given up the blog. Of course, it looked that way, didn't it? In fact, I entertained the idea. I let two months go by without posting ANYTHING. No promises to be back, no photos, nothing.

I was living in a stressful limbo, and when I live in limbo, I tend to be in an overall type of "funk" that makes me not want to do anything I don't "have" to do. It's a lovely time to live with me, I assure you.

No sarcasm whatsoever.

Here's the deal that we've been living with since early this year:

As far back as January, we thought we were moving back to Atlanta this summer. Some things had changed at Darryl's job, where it seemed that it would be better if he were back in the office instead of working from home. I started applying for jobs in Georgia. I even went to Atlanta and interviewed for one. (More about that later...maybe.) I even turned in my resignation at LSU. But by the time mid-May rolled around, things just weren't shaping up for us to make a move. I had heard nothing about a job. Darryl was having a hard time finding a house for us to rent (and we really didn't know what budget we had for finding a house--would I be working? would I not?). Darryl was assigned to a project in a different location that would require more travel there than to Atlanta.

So we decided to stay in Baton Rouge for another year. My supervisor was extremely gracious about my situation and was able to stop the paperwork process for my resignation. Amelia's school had an opening for kindergarten (!) this school year. We found another house to rent. (That was the kicker...we still had to MOVE because our last house had sold, so we had find a different place to live.) Basically, everything fell in to place for us to stay one more year.

But another kicker??? As were were moving our things from one house to another, I had not one, but two people in Georgia express interest in hiring me. Oh, timing. You make me laugh. Not really.

We like Baton Rouge, though. We're happy to be here another year. I'm glad to have some continuity in our life. Amelia LOVES her school (so do we!), and I'm thrilled she will be there for kindergarten. I like my job, and I'm happy to have it another year.

And of course, we have another year of beignets and kolaches. (Y'all. I have discovered the bacon and cheese kolache and my life might never bet the same.)

But I'm now surrounded by boxes that need to be unpacked. Good times. We've been chipping away pretty steadily at that.

So that, really, is my excuse for the lack of blogging. All this moving stuff was was rolling around in my head, so I just wasn't in the mood, you know?

But now? I think I'm back. :-)

1 comment:

Mom/Nana said...

I'm glad you're back. You'll be glad one day that you blogged. It's a way of hanging on to the memories.