Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ooops...a month has flown by

I really am a horrible blogger, aren't I?

I'm going to try to get a real post up later this week.

The last few weeks have been crazy busy. And here it is, Saturday night, and I'm attempting to wade through the 125 or so midterms I have to have graded and entered by Tuesday morning. Oh, and did I mention the midterms are ESSAYS? (I'm not trying to knock my school, but explain the logic in requiring the English Department to make students write in-class essays for the midterm, but then scheduling that midterm on the last day of midterm week, thus giving the English teachers the least amount of time to grade.) Granted, I'm not making comments on them--I'm just scoring them with a rubric--but still, that's a lot of writing, y'all. And the majority of it ain't pretty.

Okay. Obviously I need to go. I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and hope to return to the blogosphere soon.

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