Friday, May 22, 2009

I thought this day would never get here...

Everything is graded.

Graduation was tonight.

I can take a nap this weekend and not feel guilty.

I can catch up on Lost and The Office.

I can spend time with Darryl and Amelia and not think, "I should probably finish grading those essays."

I don't have to sit in a Starbucks, grading papers and thinking, "I wish I could be with Darryl and Amelia."

I'm done. D-O-N-E.

(Well, not completely...I have "teacher workdays" left, but who cares?)

1 comment:

theatredirector_2000 said...

Sending you some blog love. Also, big hug to your girl...who is such a delight! Enjoyed dinner at OTB...we really have to do that more often!