Monday, April 20, 2009

Meltdown Time

I think I've written about 30 blog posts in my head last week but never got around to sitting down to type them out.

I was going to post about how I've been in a better mood lately and felt like things were going well.

And then today I became fully aware of everything I need to do in such a short amount of time. I have a stack of grading up to my eyeballs. Every time I knock a little off the stack, something gets added on. I want to say, "Okay, no one is turning in anything else until I finish grading what I already have!" But I can't do that.

I say I'm going to grade after I get Amelia to bed, but then I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

I try to grade in the afternoons, but interruptions--people, meetings, students, parent emails--keep happening.

Okay. I'm going now. It's ridiculous for me to post about how I don't have any time and then spend time blogging. :)


Jenny said...

If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way...

Jenny said...

Have a good week!

Kristy said...

Love your speak for teachers everywhere!!