Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crawling out from under my long "to do" list...

Poor blog. I've been so negligent lately...

The past couple of weeks have been ridiculously crazy and tiring.

For a little over a week, Darryl was in Australia. That's right. Australia. And, of course, after he left all sorts of things came crashing down. Nothing tragic happened--and I'm probably being a wee bit melodramatic--but it was lots of little things just piling on top of one another.

Here's just a list of some of the things that went on:

--I help sponsor an academic club at school (we put on a program every year and give out money for scholarships and stuff), and we found out that a local business that gives us most of our money is having to cut their donation in half because of the economy. That's completely understandable, but what isn't understandable is that some higher-ups knew about this back in January and didn't tell us.

--My students started to have their typical attitudes toward work at the end of the school year. Need I say more?

--It seems that I had a meeting of some sort every day after school.

--I got brave (or stupid) and decided to take Amelia to Moe's by myself for dinner. It was AFTER I had gotten our food that I realized none of the high chairs had working safety belts, so I spent the entire meal trying to get her to stay seated in her chair. I finally gave up and took the rest of our food home.

--The same night after Moe's, I gave Amelia a bath and was putting her to bed, and she had her first puking incident ever...all over me, her, the glider, the floor. I had to clean that up and bathe her again. Good times!

--I took Friday off to--get this!--grade papers. More good times!

--I took Amelia to the doctor Friday afternoon to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. If you've ever had to keep an active child entertained in a doctor's office while you wait to see the doctor, you understand how that was stressful. (I had also been informed by the daycare that every kid except one little girl and Amelia had been sent home with pink eye, so I was fully expecting for pink eye to rear its ugly head over the weekend. Fortunately, we were spared.)

--Saturday night, Amelia acted like one of those horrible kids you see on Supernanny. There was kicking, screaming, shrieking, crying, hitting, scratching. I was really wondering what happened to my child. (Sunday, she was sweet again.)

--Sunday just involved a lot of coming and going.

It was just one of those weeks, you know? Now D is back safe and sound, and this week--though better--seems to be d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g by. The one thing getting me through, however, is that the end is definitely in sight.

And not a moment too soon.


Jenny said...

Man, that sounds pretty rough. Only a few more weeks!!!

Kristy said...

Glad you made it through! The worst part about the docs office is keeping them away from all the books & stuff...I just know there are germs lurking! LOL...also, it seems we wait longer once we get back into an exam room. By the time the doc comes in, we're climbing the walls (literally w/ Micah...hahaha).

theatredirector_2000 said...

Next time, chick-a-dee, call me! I will come and scoop up the child and give you a breather. Amelia would be easy after living through a flooded house and spring musical. Thank goodness that didn't happen all at one time.
Hang in there!