Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Realizations

--The problem with making things like chicken enchiladas and cupcakes is that I eat them. My shorts are tighter. Salads and fruit this week, people! (Except for our get-together, Kim. I'm totally eating then. And I'll bring something with key lime.)

--Sloping parking lots are a real pain when you're dealing with a child in a shopping cart. I'm just saying.

--For every project I check off the list, I think of about three more I want to accomplish. I told Darryl that I'm really trying to take one project at a time, but it's hard. This weekend's project is to get the playroom/guest room finished. My next project is going to be organizing the kitchen or Amelia's room. (True, she hasn't been here long enough for it to get out of hand, but I need to box up clothes that don't fit and redo some drawers and so forth.)

--The summer is passing quickly. We have something going on the next three weekends...and then it will be just a couple of weeks until school starts. What?!?!?!

I'm now off to work on my project...


Kristy said...

If you run out of projects, just head south! I have plenty here waiting.

I hate sloping parking lots w/shopping carts & kids. Our Publix is the worst. Keeping the cart from turning & rolling into another vehicle while you get a child buckled is LOTS of fun, isn't it?

Amy said...

Publix is our worst one, too! What's up with that????