Friday, June 13, 2008

My Day so Far

6:45--Amelia wakes up; I feed her.

7:00--Amelia plays in her Exersaucer while I drink my morning coffee. I decide that today is going to be the day that I begin walking in the morning. It will help my feelings. It will be exercise. I'm pumped.

7:15--I get dressed in my "walking" clothes.

7:30--Darryl leaves for work. I dress Amelia in a cooler outfit as it is already warm outside.

7:45--I can't find my keys. (I have to drive to my preferred walking area--it's not even a mile away, but we live on a curvy road and I wouldn't dream of walking that road, especially with a stroller.)

8:00--I still can't find my keys. Remembering Darryl had them last, I call him. He tells me a few more places to look.

8:15--I still can't find my keys.

8:30--I call Darryl because I still can't find my keys. He says he'll come home to help me look.

8:40--Figuring that walking is a bust today because Amelia is fussy and it is getting hotter by the minute, I decide to put her down for a nap. I'm successful!

8:45--Darryl comes back home to help me look for the keys. The dog barks upon his arrival and wakes up an irritable Amelia.

9:00--I find the keys in the side pocket of the diaper bag. Darryl says, "I remember putting them there now." I feel stupid for not checking there. (But Darryl never puts anything in the diaper bag.)

9:01--I try to rock Amelia back to her naptime sleep.

9:30--Amelia is still not asleep.

9:45--I feed Amelia again.

10:00--Amelia still won't go to sleep. I give up and get ready to go to the pool with her. Amelia is grouchy about getting in her bathing suit because she's sleepy, but won't sleep.

I'd just like to say we spent more time going to and from the pool than we did actually at the pool.

I'd also like to say that while Amelia slept about 20 minutes in the car on the way back home, she still won't go to sleep.

I'm tired.

Edited to add: Amelia finally went to sleep at 3:00. I'm trying to decide whether or not to take a much-needed shower or a much-needed nap. And I just realized it is Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th, indeed!


Jess said...

Sorry you had such a yuck day!! Check my blog again- I had to respond to your comments! I miss you girl!!!

Kristy said...

I had to chuckle at this one. You are living my life & don't even know it, although I don't think Joe would have come home to help me look unless it was something like needing to get to the doctor or a dire emergency. Darryl scores again!

Amy said...

Well, Darryl knew that if I was confined to the house, I would go a little batty. True, he scores, BUT don't forget he was the one to put the keys in a weird place to begin with. :)

Jenny said...

:) Fun, ain't it? :)