Monday, June 30, 2008

Florida Cleaning

We went to Florida this past weekend to start cleaning out Darryl's dad's house so Darryl's sister and her family can move in soon. We didn't get as much done as Darryl had hoped, but I think we made a good dent in what needs to be done.

Yesterday we went to the Methodist church in our hometown (this is where Darryl's family went to church when he was growing up and where his sister still goes to church), and I saw tons of people I hadn't seen in years. In particular, I saw my best friend from elementary school. She now lives in the Atlanta area, but she was having her new baby christened yesterday. I haven't seen her in probably fifteen years. Anyway...

And that's it.


Kristy said...

I know it must have been difficult to start the cleaning-out process at his dad's. I'm glad to know that Ashley will be living there.

When I went home, I went to the VBS program at FBC with my dad. I saw so many people, even Spike & April!! I don't think I would have known him on the street. Ashley W. is expecting a baby finally. (I didn't see her, but I saw Ms. Sara Jo.) Haywood was there with his girls, & 1 more on the way! There were a lot more, but I've written too much already!

Kristy said...

I forgot...I finally posted again on my blog. Check out Charlotte's baby shower! :)