Saturday, October 02, 2010

Fairy Princess

While Amelia can still have some "terrible twos" moments from time to time, I am loving this age right now. Of course I have loved Amelia immensely ever since I knew of her existence, but she is really melting my heart these days.

When I pick her up at daycare, she drops whatever she is doing and squeals, "Mommy!!!" and runs to me with her arms wide open for me to pick her up. Then she turns to her friends and says, "MY momma!" Of course, I interpret that as, "This is my mommy and she is so awesome!" Ha!

And she is into Tinkerbell and fairy princesses big time. Really there is nothing cuter than a little girl with wings and a wand, is there?

The other day Amelia put on her wings and her wand, and we played outside while Darryl grilled some steaks. I super-love these pictures. Her wings are upside down, but I think that just makes the pics even cuter. :-)

She is going to be Tinkerbell for Halloween, and oh. my. word. Her costume is too cute. I've had to hide it in the back of Darryl's closet because she wants to put it on all the time.

These are fun times!

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