Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I lost my mojo...but I think maybe I've found it.

I have been a horrible blogger.

I've been a horrible "memory keeper" in general, lately. Seriously...I scrapbooked a few photos a couple of weeks ago, and that was the first time I had even TOUCHED my scrapbooking materials since, oh, June, maybe?

In short, I lost my mojo.

The longer version?

I haven't been in what I would call a "funk" exactly. It's been more of an "overwhelmed by the world" mood.

And as I sat in the parking lot at school last week, trying to evacuate after a bomb threat, I thought, "This world has gone KRAZY."

While Darryl, Amelia, and I have been trucking right along, it seems like many people around us have just been going through some difficult stuff...it seemed like there was bad news everywhere I looked. I even joked with Darryl that it feels like we caused some cosmic shift when we moved to Baton Rouge, and now the world is off its rocker.

And I have thought about (on more than one occasion) this scene from LOST.

Seriously, if I listed all the things that have happened around us since we moved...well, I won't because it might overwhelm me all over again. :-)

(By the way...we really aren't trying to go back...although I am missing a Georgia Fall -- and more importantly, my Georgia friends -- something fierce.)

But I am slowly finding the mojo again, I think. Things have FINALLY gotten into a routine, and, I hope, will stay that way...barring any hurricanes or bomb threats. School is going pretty well (although I did pass back graded essays last week and some people were, well, unhappy).

But you might have to forgive me if I decide to post about ridiculous things like TV shows, makeup, and other nonsense because those things are a nice distraction from all the "ugh."

Speaking of TV shows, I'm not sure I am emotionally prepared for Parenthood tonight. Especially since I cried actual tears at the preview for this week.

Anyway...here's to actually showing up on the blog!


Mom said...

I have missed your blog. Don't you need to take the "x" off teachers since you are a teacher again?

Amy said...

I would say yes, but given the fact I'm struggling with just getting a blog post on here...let's just settle for baby steps for now.