Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Morning Catch-Up

You know what's been going on around here?

Not much.

Life is good, but not much...

(Darryl just sneezed a la the Will Ferrell sneeze below, and I just gave him "the look." SO LOUD.) going on.

Here are just some bits of randomness:

--I enjoyed watching the Tonys last night.  It is by far my favorite awards show, primarily because of the host (I've loved Neil Patrick Harris since Doogie, y'all) and the performances.

--LSU's baseball season is over. Alas.

--FSU is still going strong, so at least Darryl is happy.

--We went bowling this past weekend and Amelia beat both Darryl and me. Granted, she had bumpers, but still.  We should be able to beat a four-year-old whose ball rolls at the speed of .555 miles an hour.

--We tried our first church yesterday. I won't mention which one it was, but let's just say it was NOT for us. The search continues.

--The Mad Men finale was kind of meh, in my opinion. (I'm not sure that anyone who reads this cares, but I just wanted to make my opinion known.)

--I have officially lost 5 pounds!  Woot!

--I was going to walk this morning, but walked outside (at 6:30!) and the air felt like a hot, wet blanket (at 6:30!) I went to get donuts instead. (However, I did NOT get myself a donut. Such will power.  I think that's why I'm borderline disgruntled this morning.)


Jess said...

I don't know what you're looking for or where you're living, but my old roommate drives from off Jefferson to the Chapel on Campus. They've gone there for years. And Les Miles goes there too =)

Amy said...

Thanks, Jess. We will add it to our "list" to try!