Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It's only Wednesday???

I haven't blogged much because I've been super-busy. Between grading student work (I graded like a fiend this weekend, people!) and trying to plan our yearly academic banquet (it's this Tuesday) and trying to get reluctant students to do anything, I'm just wiped out. Wiped out. And flustered. And snippy. And frustrated. Oh, and did I mention snippy? Darryl would probably want me to list that one twice. :)

I would like to say a big "welcome to the world" to my new niece, Avery Ann, who was born on Cinco de Mayo. She was a whopping nine pounds and one ounce! I can't wait to see her Memorial Day weekend.

I'm too tired to think of anything else...


Jenny said...

I'm snippy too. So are my seniors. The attitudes are awful!

I love the name Avery.

Kristy said...

Just know that you are not alone! Hang in there...just a few more weeks! At least your hormones aren't making you crazy. THAT doesn't mix well with teaching middle schoolers, or with anything for that matter.