Friday, November 30, 2007

Goings On This Week

Here are some random tidbits from the week:

--My mom has been here, and she's been a big help. We've taken Amelia out almost every day for lunch and little shopping excursions, and so far that has been going well.

--Because my mom has been here, Darryl and I were able to put up our Christmas tree and other decorations. Deck the halls! We also went out last night for what will probably be our last "just the two of us" outing for quite a while. We even did a little Christmas shopping.

--Here's the life of a new parent: After having watched Dancing with the Stars all season long, I was so exhausted I drifted off to sleep before the winner was announced Tuesday night. Fortunately, I had TiVoed it (it's on my Season Pass, of course), but still... (I was glad Helio won, by the way, although I would have been okay with Mel B winning, too.)

--My calves and ankles are finally returning to their normal size after many months of fluid retention. I no longer feel like Fred Flintstone.

--Am I a big nerd because I'm excited about this Clash of the Choirs that is coming in December?

--I love Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts and want to have them over to eat chips and queso dip and play board games. Do you think they would accept my invite?

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