Saturday, February 03, 2007

Movie Marathon

I would love to do this. Anyone interested? All five Oscar-nominated movies, a large popcorn and coke with free refills, plus bathroom breaks...for $30. Not a bad deal.


Jenny said...

That is a lot of movie watchin'! I would give it a shot...

Amy said...

On the phone today, my mother said, "You're not serious about watching five movies back to back, are you?" Yes. Yes, I am. She thinks I'm crazy. If I can get someone on board with me, I am SO doing it.

RealTimShady said...

Max and I are tentatively interested. First, Max wants to investigate whether or not they can provide headphones so he doesn't have to hear anyone else utter a single sound during the screenings.

Amy said...

I'm with Max on that one. I absolutely hate any chatter, cell phone rings (don't even get me started on how many dramatic scenes have been ruined by the sudden ring of someone's cell phone), and people getting up and down through the course of the movie.

HOWEVER, I would hope that the people going to the moviethon are more serious movie watchers and NOT the tennis moms waiting for the nanny to call when Johnny has had his bath and is ready for bed OR the teenagers who think that SAW III is the best movie ever made.

I hope no tennis moms read my blog.

Anonymous said...

Def. interested. Only if you sneak in your choc. chip/butterscotch cookies!