Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Okay, I already said in a post several weeks ago that I don't really watch The View, but man, I'm into this whole catfight between Star and Barbara! Yeeowww!

Yesterday, I did watch The View because Charlie Gibson was on, and I "heart" Charlie Gibson. (My eyes did get a little moist this morning as he said his goodbyes on GMA.) Anyway, I heard Star's announcement that she was leaving the show, and I wasn't all that shocked because the rumors had been circulating for several months. But when I read some comments on a website later in the day (USA Today, I think) where she was was badmouthing how she had been treated at the show, I have to confess I TiVoed The View today to see the fallout.

Doesn't Star know that you don't badmouth your boss until after you're gone? Apparently, Barbara Wah-Wah is a big force to be reckoned with, because this morning, as you may already know, there no Star on the show (pun kind of intended), and Babs said something along the lines of, and I'm paraphrasing here, "We gave Star an opportunity to leave with dignity, but she chose another path." Take that, Star!

I think we still have several rounds left in this fight...I love it! (Maybe I should ask myself, Why do I love it? I'm the least confrontational person I know. Hmmm.)


RealTimShady said...

Star Jones Reynolds is completely ridiculous...I hope she enjoys her "View"-less life! (I also hate Meredith Viera, so, you'll be happy to know, I'm making to switch from TODAY to GMA as soon as Meredith debuts.)

Amy said...

I think you'll like GMA. Robin Roberts and Diane Sawyer are a nice blend of ridiculous (when appropriate) and serious. I'll miss Charlie Gibson, though.

I agree about MV. I've never liked her (although I don't despise her as much as I do Star), and I've never understood her appeal.